中国科技论文统计源期刊 中国科技核心期刊

Chinese Nursing Management ›› 2019, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (6): 830-835.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-1756.2019.06.007

• Research Papers • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Community health care providers' attitude towards end-of-life care, death and caring for dying patients

SHI Hongrui, SHAN Baifeng, ZHANG Ying, ZHOU Yun, CHEN Linan, ZHANG Jing, HU Xiuying   

  1. West China School of Nursing/West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610041, China
  • Online:2019-06-15 Published:2019-06-15
  • Contact: E-mail:huxiuying@scu.edu.cn

Abstract: Objective: To investigate community health care providers' attitude towards end-of-life care, death and caring for dying patients, and analyze the correlation among them. Methods: Totally 132 community health care providers of nine community health institutions in Changzhi city were investigated. Data was analyzed by SPSS 22.0 software. Results: The average scores of attitude towards dimensions of death were: neutral accptance (3.84±0.57), fear of death (3.13±0.76), death avoidance (3.02±0.71), escape acceptance (2.68±0.84), approach acceptance (2.66±0.78). The average scores of attitude towards end-of-life care, caring for dying patients were (3.47±0.44), and (3.43±0.33) respectively. Natural acceptance was moderately correlated with the sense of care centered on patients and their families (r=0.562, P<0.01). There was a moderate correlation between the effectiveness of end-of-life care and the feelings of caring for dying patients (r=0.509, P<0.01), and the sense of care centered on patients and their families (r=0.604, P<0.01), the total score of attitude towards end-of-life care and the feelings of caring for dying patients (r=0.595, P<0.01), and the sense of care centered on patients and their families (r=0.576, P<0.01). Conclusion: Community health care providers' attitude towards death, end-of-life care and caring for dying patients are positive. There is a strong correlation between attitude towards end-of-life care and attitude towards caring for dying patients.

Key words: community; end-of-life care; attitude towards caring; death attitude

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  • R47