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王英丽 张圣洁 蒲霞 王惠珍 徐梅   

  1. 北京协和医院手术室,100730 北京市
  • 出版日期:2017-05-25 发布日期:2017-05-25
  • 基金资助:

Current status of temperature protection during the operations

  • Online:2017-05-25 Published:2017-05-25

摘要: 目的:调查手术患者术中体温保护的现状,为采取相应的干预措施提供依据。方法:采用便利抽样法,抽取2015年1月1日至6月30日在北京市某三级甲等医院实施手术的患者作为研究对象,采用自行设计的表格对资料进行收集。结果:共收集资料9 369份,其中采取保温措施的为4 764人(50.8%),未采取保温措施的为4 605人(49.2%)。其中60岁及以上老年患者共2 533人,采取保温措施的为1 353人(53.4%),显著高于60岁以下人群(P<0.01)。各科室采取保温措施的比例有统计学差异(P<0.05)。在保温措施中,采取加热温毯或暖风机保温的人群所占比例最高。结论:目前,术中主动为患者采取保温措施的比例较低;要提高医务人员主动为患者保温的意识;采取多种途径维护患者术中体温的稳定;加强对老年人群术中的体温保护。

Abstract: Objective: To investigate current status of temperature protection during the operations, and to provide the corresponding basis for the intervention. Methods: The patients who had surgeries in a tertiary Grade A hospital during 2015.1.1-6.30 were recruited by convinience sampling method. The questionnaire designed by the researchers was used to collect the data. Results: Totally 9 369 cases were data-collected. About 4 764 (50.8%) patients were taken temperature protection. About 1 353 (53.4%) patients who were older than 60 years old were taken temperature protection and the rate was higher than that in other age group (P<0.01). The ratio of keeping warm in different departments had significant difference (P<0.05). Among all methods of temperature protection, the warming blankets or warm air heater were used most frequently. Conclusion: The active warming measures during the operation is relatively low. It is very important to promote the awareness of warming patients actively, take different measures to maintain the stability of the patient's temperature, and to pay more attention to the elders.