
中国护理管理 ›› 2019, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (11): 1608-1611.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-1756.2019.11.003

• 特别策划·医联体建设与护理实践 • 上一篇    下一篇


李飞 张欣 张冬梅 罗晶 罗艳虹 李越   

  1. 首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院护理部,100730 (李飞,李越);伤口治疗中心门诊(张欣,罗晶,罗艳虹);北京市东城区社区卫生服务管理中心(张冬梅)
  • 出版日期:2019-11-15 发布日期:2019-11-15
  • 通讯作者: 李越,本科,副主任护师,护理部主任,E-mail:liyue9160@126.com
  • 作者简介:李飞,硕士,主管护师,护士长

The implementation and effects of a chronic wound care model of hospital-community linkage

LI Fei, ZHANG Xin, ZHANG Dongmei, LUO Jing, LUO Yanhong, LI Yue   

  1. Nursing Department, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, 100730, China
  • Online:2019-11-15 Published:2019-11-15
  • Contact: E-mail:liyue9160@126.com

摘要: 目的:构建医院-社区联动慢性伤口照护模式并分析其在慢性伤口管理中的应用效果。方法:通过组建医院-社区联动慢性伤口照护团队,制定工作制度及确定人员职责,对接社区慢性伤口管理平台,培训社区医务人员伤口管理技能、指导社区慢性伤口患者管理,形成医院-社区联动慢性伤口照护模式。采用自身对照的方法,对北京市某社区联动前后慢性伤口患者收治例数、护理满意度,以及社区护士慢性伤口理论、技能水平进行比较。结果:2015年模式实施后,社区54个卫生站加入慢性伤口管理平台,共同收治转诊慢性伤口患者53例,治愈51例,治愈率为96.23%。现场会诊88次,远程指导452次;2018年(实施后)与2015年(实施前)相比,社区医务人员慢性伤口理论、技能考核合格率均提升(P<0.001);社区慢性伤口患者满意度提高(P<0.001)。结论:医院-社区联动慢性伤口照护模式的实施,提升了社区医务人员慢性伤口管理能力,规范了社区慢性伤口管理方法;有利于慢性伤口患者得到连续性有效治疗,提高患者满意度;有利于社区慢性伤口患者得到分级管理,完善慢性伤口护理服务体系。

关键词: 医院-社区联动;慢性伤口;照护;模式;医联体

Abstract: Objective: To establish a chronic wound care model of hospital community linkage and to explore its effects on health professionals' examination performance and patient's satisfaction level. Methods: Firstly, we established a team of chronic wound care of hospital community linkage. Team regulations and personal responsibilities were developed. The wound care skills and patient management ability of community health professionals were trained through chronic wound care management platform in respective communities. The chronic wound care model was accordingly built up through the measures we took. The self-control study design was used. We compared the number of patients admitted to the community stations, patients' satisfaction with the care, and community nurses' knowledge and skill levels before and after the model used. Results: After the implementation of the model in 2015, a total of 54 community stations joined in the chronic wound care platform. A total of 53 patients with chronic wounds were treated by this model and 51 patients of them were totally cured with a cure rate of 96.23%. During the model was implemented, we totally conducted 88 on-site consultations and 452 remote directions. Before and after the model implementation in 2015 and 2018, the performance regarding the examinations passing rates community health professionals had been improved (P<0.001). Patients with chronic wound had increased satisfaction level (P<0.001). Conclusion: The chronic wound care model of hospital community linkage can improve the wound management abilities of health professionals in the community. It can standardize the chronic wound management strategies as well. It is helpful to ensure the treatment continuity of patients and improve their senses of gain in medical treatment. On the other hand, it is also beneficial to classified wound management and improve the nursing care system of chronic wound.

Key words: hospital community linkage; chronic wound; care; model; integrated health care organization


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