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李天红 王巧玲 梅艳 杨湘妹 熊越华 李艳红 刘茜   

  1. 武汉市妇女儿童医疗保健中心护理部(李天红);新生儿科(王巧玲);药剂科(梅艳);分娩室(杨湘妹);眼科(熊越华);骨科(李艳红);武汉大学HOPE 护理学院(刘茜)
  • 出版日期:2016-07-25 发布日期:2016-07-25
  • 基金资助:
    美国Dreyfus 健康基金会& 武汉大学HOPE 护理学院PSBH 项目(2015 武汉PSBH01)

Home medication safety and the needs of medication education: a community-based survey

  • Online:2016-07-25 Published:2016-07-25

摘要: 目的:调查社区居民家庭药品的安全管理现状及教育需求。方法:使用调查问卷,对武汉市216户社区家庭进行调查,了解居民安全用药知识水平、实际居家药品管理状况及教育需求。结果:92.13% 的家庭有药品储备;66.20% 的家庭将药品混放;存储药品出现过期现象者占75.93% ;16.2% 的居民曾误服过期药物;100.00% 的居民未规范处理过期药品;仅有50.00% 的居民能按时用药;46.76% 和51.39% 的居民能按医嘱或说明书要求的剂量服药;73.61% 的居民希望得到居家药物安全管理知识的教育培训。结论:家庭储备药品已成为普遍现象,但存在不少安全隐患,应建立与开展医院- 社区- 家庭服务模式,对居民加强安全用药健康教育,促进居民正确储药和安全合理用药行为,维护全民健康。

Abstract: Objectives: To investigate the status of home medication safety in community and the needs of medication education. Methods: A total of 216 electronic questionnaire was sent to families in communities of Wuhan to investigate the knowledge of medication safety, medication management practice and education needs. Results: 92.13% participants had medication storage; 66.2% participants stored medicine inappropriately; 75.93% participants had expired medicine; 16.20% had the experience to take expired medicine; 100.00% participants discarded expired medicine inappropriately; only 50.00% of the participants took medicine on time; 46.76% and 51.39% participants followed doctors' order or medication instructions to take medicine; 73.61% of the participants needed home medication management education. Conclusion:Risks exist in home medication storage. Hospital-community-family service model should be developed to promote medication safety education, improve correct medication management behavior and community health.