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伍彩红 刘雁 姜志连 谭佳琦 朱进 汪青 蒋碧华 肖佳 李妮吉娜 肖扬帆   

  1. 中南大学湘雅二医院麻醉复苏室(伍彩红,刘雁,谭佳琦,朱进,汪青,蒋碧华,肖佳,李妮吉娜,肖扬帆);外科(姜志连)
  • 出版日期:2016-06-25 发布日期:2016-06-25

Implications of nonviolent communication in nurse-patient communication

  • Online:2016-06-25 Published:2016-06-25

摘要: 本文从护患沟通中的“语言暴力”入手,运用工作中的实例详细阐述了“非暴力沟通”的四要素:观察、感受、需要和请求,总结“非暴力沟通”对护患沟通的启示及意义,提出护理人员如何获得“非暴力沟通”能力与技巧的具体建议,即学校教育中开设“非暴力沟通”课程,通过系统的“非暴力沟通”知识培训及模拟情景、角色扮演等实践方法,使护生掌握“非暴力沟通”的四要素及其运用技巧,各级医院也可邀请专业教师对在职护理人员进行“非暴力沟通”知识讲座,甚至建立“非暴力沟通”程序及标准用语,让护患沟通更顺畅,从而减少医疗纠纷,构建和谐医疗环境。

Abstract: This paper builds upon empirical work on nonviolent communication between nurses and patients, focuses on four components of nonviolent communication: observation, feelings, needs and request. Incorporating nonviolent communication into nursing education could feasibly prevent future hardship as students advance their nursing careers.Hospitals could provide specialized courses of nonviolent communication skills to nurses, and set standard of applying nonviolent communication, in order to improve nurse-patient relations and build a harmonious medical environment.