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黎丽 黎娟 鲁燕平   

  1. 中信湘雅生殖与遗传专科医院护理部
  • 出版日期:2015-02-25 发布日期:2015-02-25

Training needs among specialist nurses of assisted reproductive technology

  • Online:2015-02-25 Published:2015-02-25

摘要: 目的:了解辅助生殖机构护士专科培训需求,并提出可行性建议。方法:针对湖南省获得国家卫生计生委批准合格的5 家可实行辅助生殖技术机构的121 名护士进行问卷调查。结果:116 名(95.87%)护理人员认为非常有必要进行有针对性的辅助生殖专科护理技术及相关知识培训。结论:辅助生殖机构护士的专科知识水平亟待提高,管理者应构建有针对性的培训计划体系,对护理人员开展多元化、有针对性的专科培训。

Abstract: Objective: To investigate the training needs of specialist nurses of assisted reproductive technology (ART), and to provide feasible suggestion for the ART nurse training. Methods: We recruited and investigated 121 nurses from five ART centers in Hunan province which had the license from the National Health and Family Planning Commission. Results: Totally 116 (95.87%) of nurses regarded that the training of ART knowledge and related information was very important. Conclusions: The specialized knowledge of specialist nurses in ART should be greatly improved, and the managers should establish targeted training system to cultivate the nurses through various and focused ways.