
• 特别策划·医养结合与护理 • 上一篇    下一篇


胡秀英 白春兰 徐小凤 谭敏 王艳艳 陈茜 张雪梅   

  1. 四川大学华西医院/华西临床医学院护理部/系, 610041成都市(胡秀英); 四川大学华西护理学院(白春兰,徐小凤,谭敏);四川大学华西医院老年医学中心(王艳艳,陈茜,张雪梅)
  • 出版日期:2018-05-25 发布日期:2018-05-25
  • 基金资助:

Investigation on the full range of health care model for older people under the rapid aging process

  • Online:2018-05-25 Published:2018-05-25

摘要: 老年人常常多病共存,且患病率高、进展缓慢、病程长,兼具失智与失能者较多,因此,需要连续全程(急性照护-中期照护-长期照护)长期健康照护。对老年人实施全程健康照护是应对“健康中国2030”国家战略提出的“全方位、全周期保障人民健康”的国家卫生战略方针的措施之一。本文以四川大学华西医院老年医学中心引进国外老年人健康照护模式的病房经验为基础,介绍了华西医院急性期快速恢复病房、生活品质促进病房以及缓和照护病房的老年人照护模式,分析我国老年人照护模式存在的问题,并探讨适合我国的老年人全程健康照护模式,以期对我国老年人全程健康照护模式的建立与完善起到推动作用。

Abstract: The elderly often have a variety of chronic diseases at the same time. The chronic diseases have high prevalence, slow progress and long duration. There are many people with both dementia and disability. So the elderly need full range of health care model (acute care, mid-term care, long-term care). Implement the entire health care for the elderly is also one of the measures that deal with the 2016 national strategy which puts forward "healthy China 2030" and "ensure people's health comprehensively during the whole process". This paper gives an overview of the current care mode of the elderly. It illustrates the problems in the care mode of the elderly in China. And based on the experience of the introduction of foreign advanced model departments in the department of geriatrics of West China Hospital, Sichuan University, this article evaluates how to bring in and localize the advanced ideas and models of care for the elderly, and introduce the Acute Care for the Elderly, the unit of comorbdity management and function promotion in frail senior and the Palliative Care Unite of West China Hospital. So that it is expected to play a certain role in the reform of the care mode of the elderly in China.