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  1. 台湾中山医学大学护理学院
  • 出版日期:2017-07-25 发布日期:2017-07-25

Nurses: a voice to lead——achieving the sustainable development goals

  • Online:2017-07-25 Published:2017-07-25

摘要: 21世纪是全球化、竞争化、创新化与信息化的时代,各国历经战争、灾难、气候恶化、新型疾病肆虐、资源缺乏、经济危机等困境,也正是追求持续发展的时代,以上因素皆影响全球人民的健康,导致人权与人道精神备受威胁,护理人员是医疗保健体系中的核心与最前沿,肩负着推动健康促进、预防疾病与治疗疾病的责任,若能善用专业知识、实证与影响力,主动为弱势族群、健全政策制定或解决问题发声,将对推动全球持续发展的目标发挥极大的贡献。

Abstract: The 21st century is the era of globalization, competitiveness, innovation, and information. Each country faces different conditions, such as war, disaster, climate changes, diseases outbreak, resource shortage, economic crisis or difficulties. The above factors affect the global health and wellbeing; in the meanwhile threaten the humanity and human right. Nurses are the core of health care system to take the responsibilities on health promotion, illness prevention and treatment. They always stand the first line. If nurses can stand up and speak up, to lead the voice by presenting the knowledge, evidence and influence to protect minorities, or make efforts on policy making and problem solving. They will make great contribution to the society and benefited to achieve the SDGs.